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What is the Grace Carroll Rocky Mountain Labor School?
The Grace Carroll Rocky Mountain Labor School is open to union members of the eight Rocky Mountain states of Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming, and who are affiliated with their state AFL-CIO. The GCRMLS is operated by a Board of Control consisting of the Executive Officer of each of the eight Rocky Mountain State Central Bodies affiliated with the AFL-CIO. It has been officially endorsed by these state organizations.
The purposes of the school are:
(1) To provide information and training for officers of State Central Bodies, Area, and other Central Bodies, and Local Union members so that they may make their organizations more effective instruments for the promotion of the cause of organized labor.
(2) To work out plans for establishment of programs of workers' education in the various states and cities so that the members of our unions will understand the functions of organized labor and be able to contribute more to the building of a sound and strong trade union movement in the Rocky Mountain and surrounding areas.
The school traditionally has top staff personnel leaders with a vast amount of experience in the trade union movement. The 2015 Grace Carroll Rocky Mountain Labor school program will focus on the labor movements dedication to building strong Union membership and will provide workshops that will deal with appropriate subjects in these areas.
Labor History I and II
National Legislative Issues
Collective Bargaining I and II
Arbitration I and II
Labor in Politics
Labor Law I and II
Community Involvement
Other Pertinent Subjects
You must have taken the beginning class before you can take the advanced class. If you plan on taking the Collective Bargaining Course, please bring a calculator with you.
Fees and arrangements:
The fee is $700 per student, which will pay for room and board (Sunday night through Friday night). ALL PERSONS WILL BE REQUIRED TO PAY THE FULL FEE. Classes will be held until 6:30 p.m. Friday evening. Graduation dinner will follow.
Reservations and assignments will be made as credentials are received by the coordinator, John Faunce, and in accordance with facilites available. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT CREDENTIALS BE SENT IN AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AS HOUSING AND MEAL ARRANGEMENTS MUST BE FINALIZED WITH THE UNIVERSITY AND ROOMS ARE LIMITED.
We foresee the friendships and the camaraderie that develops in this school as critical to building solidarity and unity within the labor movement; so we take our role seriously, aspiring to make this experience both fun and enlightening, while remaining a good value for the time and dollars invested by all stakeholders.