Requires Completion of CB I
This course is designed to allow participants (from both private and public sector unions) to experience some of the dynamics of collective bargaining negotiations by engaging in a simulated negotiations exercise. For some, it will be their first exposure to such an experience; for others who have previously engaged in collective bargaining, it will provide an opportunity to sharpen their skills. For all participants, it will enable them to assess and evaluate their capabilities, identify their own strengths and weaknesses, and critically examine their roles and functions in the negotiation of collective bargaining agreements. One of the key elements of this course is to teach the participants how to gather and use economic information in order to properly cost out a contract. Economic information is a significant force in most bargaining. Economic fact-finding is a necessary tool in formulating demands, in making a balanced and factual presentation in bargaining, in evaluating employer statements, and in building membership and public support.
Participants are required to bring a calculator to the class.